Custom Lookup Rollup

Client was is seeking help with the Salesforce development required develop an app that can be used to create a custom Rollup Summary formula field for any lookup relationship with child object.
They need a native Salesforce app that would be used to auto capture the summarized data of child object like count of child records or total sum, min, max and average of field value of type number or double etc. The aggregated data should be store in to the Parent object’s custom field.
The main challenge is that app should be capable to work for any object in Salesforce and should be able to overcome the limitation of standard Salesforce feature of rollup summary field which is not working for the lookup relationship.
As per the client requirement, we build a Salesforce APP which is used to achieve the functionality of “Roll- Up Summary” field in lookup relationship between parent child object. This app can be used for any objects in Salesforce and create a custom Roll-Up Summary field with points and click.
With the solution of “Batch Process” i.e. Apex Batch, and Apex scheduler we were able to process records in batches asynchronously.
We developed
A configuration screen where user can enter Roll-up Summary details of parent and child object that can be used to calculate the summarized data from the child object and sore that value in to the custom parent object that we mentioned in configuration details.
A custom list view of all the Roll-Up Summary configuration details that is used to delete any configuration or run it to get the updated value.