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+1 480-382-1320

Bring all your data together on Salesforce Data Cloud & initiate new AI conversations

Make your Digital Transformation journey future proof with Salesforce’s hyperscale data engine that unifies structured and unstructured data to create a 360-degree view of your customers and is the foundation of the Einstein 1 Platform.

Are you looking at your enterprise data ecosystem and wondering how to unlock it from all the application-centric silos grown over the years? How do you unify your trapped data, leverage it to strengthen sales, enhance customer experiences and eventually monetize from it?

Salesforce Data Cloud unifies all your data on one cloud platform accessible & available to Sales, Service and Marketing teams for a centralized, holistic view, accurate insights and relevant AI grounded in your data. The results are very obvious – fast & accurate decision making, highly automated Sales, Service & marketing processes, meaningful customer relationships leading to revenue growth.

Ready to take your next step with Salesforce Data Cloud?

Data Cloud Unlocks Data
Girikon’s Salesforce Data Cloud Offerings

As a trusted Salesforce Partner, Girikon is around to help you maximize the value of Salesforce Data Cloud. Whether you’re looking to test the waters with a Proof of Value, make a slow start with a MVP, go all out & leverage Data Cloud to its fullest potential or you’re already enjoying Data Cloud and need support, you will surely find something suitable from our custom offerings. They are built considering your data sources, data quality and overall data strategy to attain your long term, powerful yet sustainable business outcomes.

Discovery Phase
  • Unsure where to begin? Our hands-on Discovery phase is ideal to get you started on the Data Cloud journey.
  • We’ll lead 1-2 weeks workshops to identify use cases with the fastest business impact for your business.
1-2 weeks
Proof of Value
  • Test the waters before the plunge.
  • See the value of Data Cloud within your business context. We’ll help you set up one use case (use your free Data Cloud credits) to assess & decide next steps.
4-6 weeks
Data Cloud MVP
  • Go slow. Make a well-informed decision post a Data Cloud MVP implementation.
  • We’ll work with you on two use cases of your choice. Get started & generate value fast
10-12 weeks
Full Data Cloud Implementation
  • Go all out & become a data-led business. Get 4-6 use cases implemented.
  • We’ll walk the path with you from ideation to execution ensuring you choose the right use cases and business processes to automate and also support post go-live.
Flexible, depending on scope
Data Cloud Support
  • You have been up and running on the Data Cloud & are now need some support.
  • We will work out a customized yet economical support package depending on your needs for Data Cloud enhancements, changes and tweaks.
Flexible, depending on scope

Delighted Clients

Learn how we can help you. Schedule a complimentary consultation.
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USA Flag +1 480-382-1320 / 602-606-7624
Australia Flag +61-1300-332-888