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Big Data Analysis

ABig data by its very definition means large data sets that it is almost awkward to work with using normal database management tools and businesses are leveraging big data. So various Challenges that impact this definition are capture, storage, search, sharing, analytics, visualizing and requires massively parallel software running on tens, hundreds or even thousands of servers.

Big Data Processing

We build scalable systems that can Store, Process, Visualize, and Predict in near real-time. It helps you discover, monitor, and analyze huge amounts of data.

Contact us today to effectively utilize your data to improve the business ROI

We Can

  • Port data from relational databases onto NoSQL systems using Sqoop, Pentaho
  • Build efficient read-write in-memory solutions
  • Create visualizations of data stored on relational or non-relational systems using tools such as Pentaho and Tableau

Areas of Expertise

  • Text engineering
  • Data visualization
  • Predictive analytics

Right Data Processing Stack


Mongo DB: A blind replacement of traditional databases with any non-relational system is hardly a Big Data solution. For the selection of the right toolset, proper evaluation guided by specific requirements of the system is warranted. Never make the choice without a proof of concept.


Cassandra: This is a scalable, efficient, wide-column database. Like HBase, Cassandra too supports distributed counters. It has high availability and affords operational simplicity as there is only one type of node. Cassandra can be used in real time transaction processing and web analytics.


Neo4j: When the data in hand is interconnected and best represented in graphs, Neo4j is the database to go for. It can be used for network topologies, road maps, social recommendations and more.


APACHE HBASE: HBase can handle very large workloads and is suited for data warehousing or large scale data processing and analysis such as web indexing. However, cluster setup can be difficult. Hypertable acts as a smaller, faster HBase, also suitable for search engines and analyzing log data.

Business Intelligence

Girikon’s Business Intelligence (BI) services help enterprises develop and implement systems that enable them to assimilate and analyze data and track performance metrics.

Data Visualization

Data visualization is the presentation of data in a pictorial or graphical format. For centuries, people have depended on visual representations such as charts and maps to understand information more easily and quickly.

Visualization Tools

We use industry standard and leading data visualization tools to generate multiple types of charts, graphs, and reports on the analyzed data.

  • Tableau
  • Pentaho
  • Highcharts
  • Leaflet, Ext JS & D3

Why Choose Us

Cross-platform solution: We provide solutions that breaks the barrier between different platform making a seamless, robust and scalable app.

Skilled & Experienced Professionals: We dedicate a team which has an experienced professionals with skill-set of working on various platforms.

Cost-Effective: Our business model is to provide cost effective onsite Consulting followed y a mixed offshore and onsite solution. This model helps us in keeping customers development costs low while providing world class and quality development support. With Girikon’s unique team combination model we deliver the same productivity level with a 50-70% cost reduction.

Process: We understand your client base and provide you with the right process to achieve your goal through your app going through a phase of testing and quality assurance.

You Own the IP: You will own the source code and Intellectual Property of the work we do for you under our Agreement.


Delighted Clients

Learn how we can help you. Schedule a complimentary consultation.
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USA Flag +1 480-382-1320 / 602-606-7624
Australia Flag +61-1300-332-888
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