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Software Quality Assurance & Engineering

“Give me six hours to chop down a tree and I will spend the first four sharpening the axe.” – Abraham Lincoln


Software Quality Assurance, is integral to the success of any software project/product. There have been umpteen examples of big IT programs failing due to the lack of proper quality assurance. When business models and markets change faster than the applications that support them can be developed, software testing is often first to be cut from the budget or schedule despite the fact that software defects have a direct, negative impact on profitability. It is estimated that a software defect found and fixed post-production costs 100 times more than if the defect was found in the design stage.

Software Quality Assurance has also seen many advancements, as it keeps in pace with the ever changing technology landscape. While the traditional Independent Software Quality Assurance is still very relevant, Testing Automation, Multi Device Content Testing, Security Testing etc. has moved the focus from traditional Quality Analysts to Quality Engineers.

The Software Quality Assurance & Engineering Group at Girikon provides the expertise and resources to enable you in implementing quality software products.

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Why Girikon SQAE?


Girikon’s dedicated Software Quality Assurance (SQA) practice provides a full spectrum of testing services to organizations creating business applications and software products. Girikon’s SQA delivers a combination of solid technical competence along with state-of-the-art testing technologies and frameworks.

Girikon SQA offers efficient defect management and prevention practices that include accurate defect description, correction, delegation/registration and post-revision testing. Our SQA team has expertise in various testing types, including functional, reliability, performance and maintainability, enabling us to deliver truly comprehensive SQA service.

We also have a pool of Quality Engineers experienced in Automating Test Conditions using the latest tools in the areas of Mobile & Web testing. We invest in providing the needed Knowledge Training & Certifications to our Quality Engineers so that they are enabled to provide the best of the industry service.

Girikon SQAE provides:

  • Quality Assurance Consulting Services
  • Independent Appli cation Testing
  • Test Automation
  • Application Security Testing

Delighted Clients

Learn how we can help you. Schedule a complimentary consultation.
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USA Flag +1 480-382-1320 / 602-606-7624
Australia Flag +61-1300-332-888
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